Protesters in Hollywood drive over an upside-down American flag before marching to a Los Angeles sheriff's station in West Hollywood, Friday, Sept. 25, 2020. The sheriff's department — already notorious for its long history of deputy gangs — became a target of protesters for its violent tactics.

A protester lights a bundle of white sage — a sacred herb in many Native American cultures — in front of the Los Angeles County sheriff's station in South Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 7, 2020. While the protests still heavily featured Black Lives Matter ideology, demonstrations after George Floyd's funeral in June broadened their scope to other social injustices such as the discrimination of indigenous Tongva people.

Protesters against police brutality heckle Josh Friedman, a self-described journalist who live-streams himself attending protests around Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo Counties. Before he was pushed out of the area Monday, Sept. 7, 2020, protesters discovered Friedman had conducted an extended interview with a hyper-religious pastor who tried to derail a Black Lives Matter protest at the Wilshire Federal Building in July 2020. Protesters have long accused Friedman of being a Nazi and a right-wing Trump supporter, both claims of which he denies.

Los Angeles Police Officer Michael Silva guards the entrance to the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters as people protesting a grand jury decision to not press charges against officers who killed Breonna Taylor hurl racial slurs at Silva, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2020. The protesters accused Silva, a Black police officer, of betraying his race and people.

A protester in black bloc gear challenges Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies to cross the wire metal barricade by the sheriff's station in South Los Angeles and fight him, Monday, Sept. 7, 2020. A week prior, two deputies from the station shot and killed Dijon Kizzee, a Black cyclist who was riding on the wrong side of the road, after Kizzee dropped a pistol in a struggle with the deputies.

Alex Brown, a protester affiliated with the racial injustice activism group Black Unity, is treated by street medics after the Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies shot him with a “less lethal” munition, Monday, Sept. 7, 2020, the third consecutive night of such use of force. He and about 50 others were peacefully protesting the sheriffs’ killing of Dijon Kizzee and the department’s excessive use of force when the deputies fired tear gas and other “less lethal” munitions at the protesters for violating a dispersal order they declared less than a minute prior.

About 200 protesters, many of them in black bloc gear, march around central Los Angeles, Sunday, Aug. 30, 2020 for a three-month commemoration of the Fairfax protest. Unlike the original protest on May 30, there were no incidents of violence, vandalism or looting.

City workers clear out Black Unity's encampment on Grand Park in Los Angeles, Sunday, Sept. 13, 2020. Various groups, including Black Unity, had continuously occupied the grassy area in front of the Los Angeles City Hall for almost three months before the city forced them out of the park overnight.